At the Apple launch event, after the launch of the 8 and 8 Plus versions, the iPhone X was launched, and it stole the show. The never seen before design and a variety of new upgrades, the iPhone X is worth spending for. The phone has been priced at $999 for the 64GB version and $1149 for the 256GB version.
The phone comes with 5.8 inch OLED screen having an edge-to-edge display with 2436 X 1125 pixel resolution and uses a Super Retina display. Its design is glass on the front and back along with a stainless steel frame just like iPhones 8 and 8 Plus. The phone is IP67 water-resistant. It uses an A11 Bionic 6-core SoC with Apple GPU. This version of iPhone uses face ID for unlocking. It also uses fast wireless charging and comes with stereo speakers.
The phone has a powerful 12MP dual camera, along with Portrait Mode on the front and rear cameras. The rear camera also allows optical zoom in the photos as well as in the Portrait Mode. Another added feature to the rear camera is the OIS or the Optical Image Stabilization. It also expected to be capable of clicking better photos in low light with reduced blur.
A massive change in the design of this phone is the removal of the home button. The android users may be accustomed to this, but this will be quite new to the iPhone users. Also, the home button was a means to unlock the phone using the fingerprint, which has now gone. Instead, the iPhone X uses facial recognition to unlock the phone. Also, the removal of the home button has made it possible for Apple to increase the screen size to a great extent without having to increase its dimensions significantly.
Another feather added to the iPhone X’s cap is the ARKit that enables mixing of the real world with the virtual world. It will be useful for tasks like planning your living area, and can also be used in gaming and so on.
Also, the phone can be charged wirelessly and is Qi compatible. Apple has also announced its wireless charger by the name Airpower. In fact, the charging in iPhone X is quite fast and with 30 minutes of charging, the phone gains 50% battery.
Though the phone costs a fortune, it is also one of the most high-tech phones we have ever seen. It is a great buy for all the tech savvy people and is worth the price.